Maybe you’ve always wanted larger breasts. Maybe you’re ready for a curvier, more feminine body. Maybe you want to restore your breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding. No matter the reason, you’re ready to have the breasts of your dreams, and you’ve decided on a breast augmentation.

You’ve done a lot of research, but there are still some questions you haven’t asked. Whether it’s fear or embarrassment keeping you from asking, you deserve to know the answers to the questions you’re too afraid to ask.

1. What is the difference between breast augmentation and breast implants?

“Breast augmentation” and “breast implants” are sometimes used interchangeably. This can be confusing, but the difference between the terms is simple. Breast augmentation is the name of the procedure that enlarges the breasts, and breast implants are the synthetic parts that are inserted into the breast as part of breast augmentation.

2. Can a breast augmentation fix drooping breasts?

Though breast augmentation is great at adding volume to breasts, it can’t correct sagging or drooping breasts. A breast lift (mastopexy) restores your breasts’ youthful appearance. Breast augmentation can be combined with a breast lift for breasts that are fuller and perkier.

3. How much does breast augmentation cost?

The average cost of breast augmentation surgery is $3,947 according to 2019 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. However, this average cost doesn’t include anesthesia, operating room costs, or other expenses. The total cost will depend on your individual goals, and your surgeon will provide you a total cost estimate following your consultation.

Most health insurance plans don’t cover breast augmentations.

4. What should I know going into a breast augmentation consultation?

The first step to a successful breast augmentation is a successful consultation. It’s important to be prepared. During your consultation, you’ll discuss why you want a breast augmentation and your appearance goals. You will provide information about your medical history and family history of breast cancer. Your plastic surgeon will evaluate your general health. Then, they will examine your breasts and take measurements of their size and shape, skin quality, and the placement of your nipples and areolas. Your plastic surgeon will take your before photos. Finally, they will outline your options, make recommendations, and discuss the outcomes and risks of breast augmentation.

You should leave your consultation understanding all aspects of your breast augmentation surgery and feeling confident in your plastic surgeon. You may feel nervous about the surgery or excited about your new look, and that’s natural! Be sure to discuss these feelings with your plastic surgeon.

5. What implants feel the most natural?

During your consultation, your doctor will discuss the pros and cons of the types of implants based on your goals. The most natural implants are:

  • Silicone breast implants. These implants are filled with silicone gel that feels like natural breast tissue. Silicone breast implants are FDA-approved for augmentation in women 22 or older.
  • Gummy bear breast implants. Also known as form-stable implants, this type keeps its shape even if the implant shell is broken. They are filled with silicone gel, which is thicker than silicone implants. Gummy bear breast implants feel firmer than traditional implants.

Whichever type of implant you choose, it’s important to monitor them and follow up with your plastic surgeon as needed.

6. Does pregnancy ruin breast implants?

Breast implants can withstand changes to your body, including future pregnancies. However, pregnancy can cause breast tissue to sag, which will change the shape of your breasts. A breast lift can raise your breasts to a more youthful place on your chest. Changing your implants out for those with a larger volume can restore fullness.

7. Can I breastfeed with implants?

It’s rare that implants impede breastfeeding. During breast augmentation surgery, implants are placed between the chest wall and the chest. This doesn’t interfere with the breast ducts or mammary glands. However, certain types of incisions can sever the nerves in the breast and the nipple that are stimulated during breastfeeding which can affect your milk supply. If you plan on future pregnancies and breastfeeding, let your plastic surgeon know during your consultation.

8. How painful is breast augmentation?

Recovery from breast augmentation involves some pain, but your surgeon will provide pain management treatment. The first two to three days after your procedure, you’ll use medications to control your post-op discomfort. Most patients are off of strong pain medications between three and seven days after surgery. If additional pain management is needed after a week, patients are advised to use over-the-counter medications like Tylenol.

Most patients are able to return to their desk jobs between five and seven days after surgery. Though rigorous exercise should be avoided, light exercise can help with the healing process. Light stretching and good posture can correct any pain in the back and shoulders.

Recovery from breast augmentation differs from patient to patient. It’s important to stick to your doctor’s recommendations.

Now that you know the answers to the questions you were afraid to ask, you’re ready for your free consultation. Schedule your appointment today.

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