If you’re planning for a breast augmentation procedure, you might be wondering what to expect in breast augmentation recovery. Breast augmentation is a surgical cosmetic procedure commonly used to modify the size of the breasts and enhance their appearance. There are a few different ways of doing this, including the use of breast implants or by transferring fat from another part of your body into the breast tissue.

No matter the method used, the recovery process can vary from person to person. Having a good grasp on the procedure and what that recovery process will be like before undergoing surgery can be a great benefit. Not only will you know what to expect, but this will also allow you to feel comfortable and ready for your procedure.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From Breast Augmentation?

Recovery time after breast augmentation can vary for every person, but on average, people fully recover after about 6-8 weeks. Some people may feel completely normal after a week of recovery, while others may take a little longer. Your recovery time can vary depending on age, health history, and lifestyle.

The First 24-48 Hours

Breast augmentation is almost always performed outpatient, meaning you can return home the same day of your procedure. Immediately after surgery, you will be taken to the recovery area of the hospital, where you will awake from anesthesia and get out of bed for the first time. Anesthesia can cause lingering effects, so you will need to have someone drive you home after the procedure and stay with you in case you should need any help after returning home.

It is important to get plenty of rest after your surgery and drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Before your surgery, it may be helpful to prepare a comfortable place to rest with extra pillows, blankets, water, and snacks so that you can immediately rest and start your recovery when you get home. Your doctor will prescribe you pain medication before your procedure to help with pain management so that you will have it on hand.

Weeks 1-2 of Breast Augmentation Recovery

During the first week of recovery, you can expect some discomfort. Your doctor will usually prescribe pain medication to manage discomfort before your procedure so that you will have it on hand and available if needed. The bruising and swelling around your breasts and chest will slowly start to subside as you begin to heal.

Toward the end of the first week of healing from your breast augmentation surgery, you should get up from bed and do some light walking and activity around the house. This will facilitate blood flow to your breasts and encourage healing. Healing will continue to improve over the second week of your recovery as you keep up with that light activity.

Weeks 3-6 of Breast Augmentation Recovery

You can expect to resume your regular routine slowly during this next recovery phase. Most people can return to work a week or two after surgery. If you have a physically active job, you must limit heavy lifting or strenuous activity and exercise until six weeks after surgery to allow enough time for your body to heal. During this time, most of the bruising, swelling, and discomfort will start to resolve, and you’ll begin to really see the final result of your augmentation.

Talk to A Doctor About Breast Augmentation

If you are considering a breast augmentation, talk to an experienced plastic surgeon today to learn more about what breast augmentation surgery process and what you can expect during your recovery!

Don’t delay your breast augmentation surgery any longer – schedule a free consultation today!

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