Breast augmentation is a great option for women who want to enhance the size and shape of their breasts. Around 300,000 breast augmentations are performed every year.  If you think you are ready to get breast implants, follow these steps to prepare.

Think about your desired results

Prior to your first appointment with your plastic surgeon, you will need to think about what you want your breasts to look like. What size breasts would you like to have? Would you like them to be rounder or perkier? Writing down your thoughts will help you have a better discussion with your plastic surgeon.

Schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon

Your consultation appointment is a critical step in the process of preparing for a breast augmentation. During this appointment, you will discuss your desires and expectations with your surgeon. They will talk to you about your medical history to make sure it is safe for you to have surgery.

You will also spend time discussing the types of implants available to determine which option is best. Your plastic surgeon will help you choose the implant size you’ll need to achieve your desired look.

During the appointment, you will discuss whether a breast lift should be done at the same time. Breast augmentation cannot correct sagging breasts. A breast augmentation plus breast lift may be a better option if you have breasts that droop and lack fullness.

Prepare for recovery ahead of time

Most women only need 1 – 2 weeks of recovery time. For the first several days, you won’t be able to lift much. You may need to be in a reclined position for much of the day. It is a good idea to arrange help to care for your children or pets. It will be several weeks before you can pick up small children.

Meals can be challenging to cook for the first few days. You may consider stocking up on freezer meals or foods that are simple to prepare. Fill your pantry and refrigerator with healthy foods and hydrating liquids ahead of time. A healthy diet can help you heal faster.

Depending on the type of breast augmentation you have done, you may not be able to shower for a few days. Cleansing cloths or wipes are great to have on hand.

You will also be asked to wear a sports bra or recovery bra. Purchase those ahead of time. It is also nice to have a few button-down shirts and nightgowns, so you can avoid lifting your arms over your head.

Take time off work to recover

Many women are able to return to work within 5-7 days of their procedure. However, if you have a physically demanding job, you may need more time off. Your surgeon will give you instructions on how much weight you can lift. They will also tell you how long you need to recover before returning to normal activity.

Deciding to get a breast augmentation to enhance your curves and your confidence is an exciting prospect. Now that you have the tips to prepare, schedule your complimentary consultation appointment.
