Women choose to get breast implants for a variety of reasons. They may desire larger, fuller breasts. They may have had a mastectomy and chose implants to regain a sense of normalcy. No matter the reason, replacing breast implants is a topic of concern for these women.

When it comes to replacing breast implants, there are no hard and fast rules. There is no set schedule to replace breast implants. However, there are certain situations when you may need to replace or remove them.

Here are five reasons you might need to consider replacing breast implants.

1. Leaking or Ruptured Implant

If your breast implants have started to leak or have ruptured, it’s time to have them replaced. When saline implants rupture, the body absorbs the saline, which causes a visible change in the breast.

A silicone implant can make rupture less obvious. Because most of the gel remains in the implant’s shell, it does not usually cause a visible change. Rupture is typically detected through surveillance MRIs, which are done every three years.

2. Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture occurs when scar tissue forms and hardens around the breast implant. This causes the breasts to feel harder, become uneven, and to sit higher up on the chest. Some women also report their breasts feel tender and uncomfortable. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict who will develop capsular contracture. However, research shows that about 1 in 10 women with breast implants will develop this complication. If capsular contracture occurs, the only way to resolve it is to replace the implants and remove the scar tissue.

3. Breast Sagging or Rippling

Breasts will naturally succumb to gravity over time, even if you have breast implants. You may consider replacing breast implants if you notice sagging or rippling of the skin around the breast implant. Age, changes in your weight, and pregnancy can all affect the shape and appearance of your breasts. If this occurs, you may decide it is time to replace your breast implants.

4. You Want A Different Size Or Type of Implant

You may decide to replace your breast implants if your personal preferences have changed. Over time, as medicine continues to evolve and new options become available, you may want to try a different size, shape, or type of implant.

5. Your Implants Have Aged

Although there is no exact expiration date for breast implants, they are also not meant to last a lifetime. Some people may be able to go 20 years or more without an issue. But, most people can expect to replace their implants after about 10 to 15 years. As time passes, the chance of complications rises. So, it’s best to replace them before any problems occur.

Speak To A Doctor About Replacing Breast Implants

Replacing breast implants requires an experienced plastic surgeon. This is especially true if you have scar tissue that must be removed. Whether you are ready to have your implants replaced or are planning for the future, it’s time to see a skilled cosmetic surgeon.

Schedule a free consultation appointment today!

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