Many people are choosing plastic surgery. Tens of millions of cosmetic procedures are performed every year.

But the choice to undergo cosmetic surgery is not an easy one. The fear of being dissatisfied with the results can make that choice even harder. If you have decided that cosmetic surgery is the right choice for you, there are a few things that will help you get the results you desire.

1. Choose a Great Surgeon

The most important factor in getting great results is going to a great surgeon. It seems obvious, but it’s true! There are many plastic surgeons in any city, but that a little research can help you choose the right doctor. A surgeon who’s certified by the American Society of Plastic surgeons has proven themselves to be knowledgeable and experienced in the procedures they offer.

2. Have a Great Consult Visit

Your first consultation with your plastic surgeon will set the stage for great results. The most important part of the consultation is identifying your goals. Your surgeon will tell you what procedures and treatments are available, and you will tell them what features you’re looking to change. Being honest about your specific goals allows your surgeon to offer treatments that will achieve the look you want.

Once your goal has been defined, your surgeon can explain treatment options and expected results for each procedure. This will be the longest part of the consultation. Some procedures are complex, and your surgeon will want to explain everything thoroughly. This includes treatment plans, expected results, and risks.

You’ll know you’ve found the right surgeon when you feel comfortable asking questions and you feel like you’ve learned something during your consultation.

3. Understand the Best Procedure for You

There are many different procedures, both surgical and non-surgical. Your surgeon can help you choose which procedure (or procedures) will help you meet your appearance goals. Some procedures are more popular than others, and you may not know much about those that are less popular. For example: you want to change how your breasts sit on your chest but you’re happy with your breast volume. You may be familiar with breast augmentation (it’s the most popular cosmetic procedure!). However, a breast lift (which is not as well known) is the procedure that will help you achieve the results you want. Your surgeon can help you decide whether you’re considering breast, body, face, or non-surgical procedures.

4. Have Reasonable Expectations

Managing expectations about results from plastic surgery can improve your satisfaction. Plastic surgery enhances your natural beauty, but it won’t make you look like an entirely new person.

The best plastic surgeries provide subtle, natural enhancements. These create balance on your face and body. If you go into your consultation and procedure remembering this, you will be more satisfied with your results for years to come. You can also look at before and after photos of your surgeon’s previous patients and decide if those results are what you want for yourself.

5. Have Patience

Healing takes time! Our culture is driven by instant gratification, but during recovery, patience is key. From the immediate downtime after a procedure to a longer recovery that can last for weeks or months, the path to achieving the best results can take time. Recovery includes everything from getting drains, sutures, pro splints removed to the fading of incision site marks.

Plastic surgeons are experts at closing wounds. Most incisions are made as discreetly as possible. Even with the care given to incision site placement, they take time to heal and will continue to fade for up to a year. In that time, the scar will contract and fade. To ensure optimal healing, patients should apply sunscreen to their scars daily.

If you’re ready to take the next step on your journey to the face and body that you want, we can help. We offer many treatment options to meet your goals. Schedule a free consultation today.