Pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and aging can change the look of your midsection. You may be wishing for a lean, youthful tummy. No matter how hard you work out and eat healthily, you find yourself disappointed at the results. Excess skin and tissue can’t be exercised or dieted away.

A tummy tuck may be the solution you’re looking for. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, can help you get back to a sculpted core. During a tummy tuck, your midsection is trimmed and reshaped, resulting in a smoother appearance.

Before a procedure, it’s important for potential patients to learn about it. Abdominoplasty has many benefits, but there may be things you haven’t thought of. Here are seven things you need to know before your tummy tuck.

1. There are Different Types of Tummy Tucks

If you’ve decided on a tummy tuck, you should know that there are three different types.

  • Mini: A mini-abdominoplasty targets skin that hangs around the navel. This procedure removes excess skin and fat from this area to reduce bulge in the lower abdomen. A mini tummy tuck doesn’t involve the repair of abdominal muscles.
  • Traditional: When you think of a tummy tuck, you probably think of a traditional abdominoplasty. During a traditional tummy tuck, abdominal muscles stretched during pregnancy or weight fluctuations are repaired and excess skin and tissue are removed from the abdomen. A traditional tummy tuck can be combined with liposuction.
  • Extended: An extended abdominoplasty is a great choice for those who have lost a significant amount of weight. People who choose an extended abdominoplasty often have dramatic results. During an extended abdominoplasty, excess skin and tissue are removed from the abdomen, hips, thighs, and back. Muscles in the back, flanks, and abdomen are repaired and toned.

2. Tummy Tucks are Most Common after Pregnancies and Weight Loss

It’s common to have extra skin and tissue around your midsection after pregnancy or weight loss. Both stretch abdominal tissue until it’s unable to get back to its original shape. Pregnancy can also cause diastasis recti, the partial or complete separation of the abdominal muscles. Diastasis recti can cause lower back pain, poor posture, constipation, and bloating. During a tummy tuck, the muscles of your abdomen can be corrected surgically.

3. They’re Not Just Liposuction

Although an abdominoplasty may include liposuction, a tummy tuck is more than just fat removal. During your procedure, your abdominal muscles will be reshaped and your excess skin will be removed. Even though you’ll love your new look, the procedure will leave a scar. The incision is carefully placed, allowing it to be covered by clothing, underwear, and swimsuit bottoms.

4. Tummy Tucks can Work when Diet and Exercise Don’t

Even though you’ve committed to eating healthy and exercising regularity, you may find that you are still plagued by sagging skin and bulging tissue in your midsection. You are left feeling disappointed that you can’t change the appearance of your bloated, stretched out abdomen. A tummy tuck can deliver the sculpted results you want. Weight fluctuations stretch abdominal tissues, and abdominoplasty sculpts and smooths the muscle and tissue.

5. Recovery is Essential Post-Abdominoplasty

After a tummy tuck, you’ll need time to heal. Tummy tuck surgery requires a hip to hip incision, and your recovery will take up to three weeks. After surgery, you’ll feel tired, swollen, and sore. You may experience moderate pain in the first handful of days, but the pain will improve.

During your recovery, it’s important to allow yourself time to rest and heal. Along with taking time off work, you’ll need help with household chores and childcare. Regular strenuous exercise and other physical activities can resume after about six weeks.

6. You’ll Need to be Close to your Goal Weight

It’s best if your weight has been no more than 15 pounds from your goal weight for six to 12 months before getting your tummy tuck. A tummy tuck can help you achieve a lean, sculpted abdomen, but it’s not a substitute for weight loss. Gaining or losing weight can undo your tummy tuck! Weight fluctuations can stretch abdominal tissues. You’ll lose your new, contoured look, and you’ll need another procedure to get back the results of the original abdominoplasty.

7. Your Choice of Surgeon Makes a Difference

When it comes to the surgeon performing your abdominoplasty, you have a choice. Before you decide, do some research. Make sure your surgeon is board-certified. Ask about their style and approach. Check out the facility they operate out of and ensure that it meets your expectations. Choose a surgeon with experience for the best results.

If you’re ready to achieve a taut, sculpted look, schedule a free tummy tuck consultation today

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