A breast cancer diagnosis is challenging and full of uncertainty. After a mastectomy, you may find yourself overwhelmed all over again with what seems like endless mastectomy reconstructive options.

Mastectomy reconstruction should not cause you any more undue stress, so here is everything you should know about mastectomy reconstruction so you can get back to feeling your best and living your life.

What is Mastectomy Reconstruction?

Mastectomy reconstruction is a highly individualized process, and the surgical procedure can vary from woman to woman. The ultimate goal of mastectomy reconstruction is to restore the appearance of the breasts so that you can feel comfortable and confident. Your treatment plan for reconstruction can vary depending on your overall health, your cancer treatment plan, and your personal preferences and goals. Your plastic surgeon will work closely with you to ensure that you receive the results you are hoping for.

Types of Mastectomy Reconstructions

  • Implant-based Reconstruction: Some women choose to undergo breast reconstruction using breast implants. These can include options like gel, silicone, or saline implants. Breast implants are used to recreate the shape of the breasts after the natural breast tissue has been removed.
  • Autologous Tissue Reconstruction: This technique is also called a flap reconstruction and uses the woman’s own tissue to reconstruct the breasts. Tissue is taken from a donor site, like the abdomen or back, and then transferred to the chest to create a new breast. Flap reconstruction can provide a more natural-looking and feeling breast but is a more complex procedure that requires some additional healing time.
  • Combination Reconstruction: This procedure involves a combination of both the above reconstructive methods. A combined reconstruction offers the benefits of both procedures to achieve the desired result.

Timing of Reconstruction

The timing of when to have your reconstruction depends on several factors and can be done immediately, after a delay, or it can be staged.

Immediate reconstruction happens at the same time as the mastectomy. The advantages of this approach are that it reduces the number of surgeries you need to undergo, the aesthetic outcome may be improved, and you can avoid some of the psychological trauma of being without breasts. Immediate reconstruction can be done using implants, autologous tissue (flap reconstruction), or with a combined approach.

Delayed reconstruction is performed after the mastectomy has healed, which can take several months. This option is preferred by some women who want to take the time to weigh their options or who have medical issues that need to be resolved before reconstruction.

Staged reconstruction involves a combination of both immediate and delayed reconstruction. Women who require radiation therapy after a mastectomy usually choose this option. In this case, the implant-based reconstruction is delayed until after radiation is completed, while a tissue expander is placed at the time of mastectomy.

Nipple and Areola Reconstruction

Nipple and areola reconstruction can be performed as a separate procedure after the breast has been reconstructed. The nipple can be recreated using skin from the reconstructed breast or from the patient’s own tissue. The areola can be tattooed or created using a skin graft from somewhere on the body.

Insurance Coverage

Mastectomy reconstruction is considered medically necessary and most insurance plans will cover the procedure. This includes both the reconstruction of the breast and the nipple/areola reconstruction. However, insurance coverage can vary depending on the type of reconstruction and the specific insurance plan. It’s important to consult with your insurance provider and plastic surgeon to understand your coverage and out-of-pocket costs.

Emotional Considerations

Although breast reconstruction can help restore a sense of self-esteem and improve body image, going through this journey can have a great emotional impact. It is entirely normal to feel overwhelmed or emotional regarding your breast reconstruction, and some women can struggle with the changes in their bodies.

Maintaining a strong support system with family, friends, and your healthcare team is the key to your success and recovery. If you are struggling with your breast diagnosis and reconstruction, it may be helpful to speak with friends or family or even consider participating in a support group with other women who have undergone breast reconstruction.

Partnering with your Plastic Surgeon

Determining what type of reconstruction you’ll want can be daunting, especially with everything else you must manage with a breast cancer diagnosis. Your plastic surgeon is an excellent resource in helping you with your choices. They have a wealth of experience and knowledge to help you understand your best options.

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and want to learn more about your mastectomy reconstruction options, schedule a consultation today!

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