It is common for women to experience breast asymmetry or a difference in size, shape, or placement between their breasts. While this is normal, it can cause self-consciousness and a lack of confidence in some women. In severe cases, this asymmetry can even lead to persistent back pain. Many women, however, may not even realize they have mild asymmetry since it is often only a cosmetic concern.

Breast asymmetry can present in various ways, including:

  • Size asymmetry: This is the most common type of breast asymmetry and refers to differences in size between the left and right breasts.
  • Shape asymmetry: Shape asymmetry refers to differences in breast form. One breast may be more conical or have a more pronounced fold than the other.
  • Position asymmetry: One breast may be higher or lower on the chest wall, or one may be located more toward the center of the chest than the other.
  • Nipple asymmetry: This type of asymmetry refers to differences in the size, shape, or position of the nipples on the breast.

Causes of Breast Asymmetry

It’s important to note that this asymmetry is usually a natural variation, not a cause for concern. Breast asymmetry can be a result of a variety of factors, including:

  • Genetics
  • Injuries caused by trauma
  • Changes in hormone levels
  • Menopause
  • Problems with posture
  • Gain or loss of weight
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • An uneven ribcage
  • Previous breast surgery
  • Underlying medical condition or disorder

While this is not usually a sign of breast cancer, it can sometimes be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. Any sudden changes in breast size or shape could be due to non-cancerous fibroids, benign breast tumors, or breast cysts.

If you experience a sudden change in your breasts, it is essential to seek prompt medical attention to determine the root cause of the asymmetry and receive proper treatment. It is recommended that any woman experiencing these symptoms should undergo mammography to rule out malignancy.

Options For Fixing Breast Asymmetry

Non-Invasive Options

If you are experiencing mild to moderate asymmetry and prefer non-surgical treatments, some non-invasive options may help improve breast symmetry. Non-invasive options include:

  • Padding or inserts that can be easily inserted into your bra cups to help even out the appearance of breast size asymmetry.
  • Specialized bras, such as push-up bras, can help achieve breast symmetry by lifting and shaping the breasts.
  • Exercises like chest presses or push-ups can strengthen the chest muscles and improve posture.

Surgical Options

Non-invasive options may not be effective for more severe cases of breast asymmetry, and surgical options may be necessary to achieve significant improvement. Surgical options include:

  • Breast augmentation: Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure in which implants are inserted to increase the size of the smaller breast.
  • Breast reduction: Breast reduction involves removing excess breast tissue to decrease the size of the larger breast.
  • Breast lift (mastopexy): A breast lift reshapes breast tissue to improve symmetry and lift sagging breasts.
  • Nipple correction: Nipple correction reshapes or repositions the nipples to gain a symmetrical appearance.
  • Fat grafting: This procedure involves transferring fat from another area of your body, such as your thighs or abdomen, to amend minor size or shape asymmetry in your breasts.

It’s essential to keep in mind that all medical procedures come with some risks. Before deciding, discussing the potential risks and benefits with your doctor is important. They’ll conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the best treatment approach for your needs.

Make a Plan for Your Breasts

If you are experiencing breast asymmetry and would like more information about your options, call our office to schedule an appointment today!