Breasts that are too large are a burden. A breast reduction can give you the breast size and shape you want. The procedure is gaining popularity. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ 2019 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, there were over 110,000 breast reductions performed in 2019.

In many cases, breast reductions are covered by insurance if it’s causing other health problems. Here are some of the reasons women get breast reductions.

1. Your Breasts are a Pain

Literally! Your breasts are uncomfortably large and causing you pain. You may have chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain that is severe enough to require pain medication. When you take off your bra at night, you have deep, painful grooves in your shoulders. You may even have a rash or irritation in the fold under the breasts. Unfortunately, these symptoms can only be alleviated with a breast reduction. If you have these symptoms, your procedure may be covered by insurance. Contact us today for a consultation.

2. You Have Trouble Exercising

Even with an industrial-strength, hardcore sports bra, you feel self-conscious jogging. All of that up and down movement is uncomfortable. Using hand weights to sculpt your arms and shoulders is thwarted by your inability to cross your arms over your chest. You can’t even attempt some yoga poses without your breasts getting in the way. Your favorite ways to move haven’t been an option since you were a pre-teen. Since you aren’t exercising, you feel like you aren’t taking care of yourself, and you are missing out on your daily dose of endorphins.

3. Your Self-confidence is Suffering

Large breasts can lead to poor self-image. Your large chest makes you look heavier than you actually are. You can’t exercise the way you want to, and your self-esteem suffers. You may receive unwanted attention because of your large breasts. You may find yourself dressing in layers or oversized clothing to cover up your body. Because of your large breasts, you don’t look or feel your best.

4. You Have Trouble Fitting into Clothing

Every brand designs clothes differently. It can be hard to find clothes that fit. Factor in large, disproportionate breasts, and it’s impossible to find clothes that fit well right off the rack. Tailoring can be expensive. Large, well-made bras can be pricey, too. You end up wearing shapeless, oversized shirts and dresses and looking less than your best.

5. Your Breasts are Asymmetrical

Like all body parts that come in pairs, all breasts have some degree of asymmetry. Breasts on the same person can have differences in size, volume, position, and form. If your breasts are obviously asymmetrical, a breast reduction can fix that. Even if your smaller breast is larger than your ideal size, breast volume and form can be changed during a breast reduction.

6. Your Breasts Could Use a Lift, Too

Over time, your breasts become less perky. The connective tissue in the breast that helps them keep their shape is called the Cooper’s ligaments. As you age, the Cooper’s ligaments stretch, which causes breasts to sag (medically known as breast ptosis). Large breasts sag more than smaller breasts because they have more tissue pulling down. During a breast reduction, your breasts will also get a lift. Your breasts will look perkier and more youthful.

If you’re ready to look sleeker and feel better, schedule a breast reduction consultation today.

Or, read more about breast reductions and see before & after photos.